#WeWorkFor 150MillionChildren

Our journey is one of innovation, inclusivity, and impact, as we continue to shape a smarter, more educated world.

Our Culture

At ConveGenius, our decade long journey is fueled by one unwavering mission.

To ensure that every child, irrespective of their background, has access to exceptional education is more than just a job; it's a commitment to changing the lives of millions of children.

Innovative Educational Workshops

Core Values to
Guide Your Journey

  • Speak Your Mind Your voice matters. Challenge the status quo.
  • Embrace Failure It's okay to stumble. We trust in your ability and intent.
  • Logic Over Hierarchy Here, debates are won on the strength of ideas, not titles.
  • Eternal Learner Don't just 'know it all'; 'learn it all'.
  • Flexibility is Key Adapt, evolve, and grow in our ever-changing environment.
  • Act Swiftly Delaying for perfection is costlier than imperfect progress.
  • Make Decisions, Move Forward Hesitation is the enemy of progress.
  • Cut Through Complexity Embrace simplicity in everything you do.
  • Speed is Your Ally Quick decisions, rapid creation.
  • Collaborate, Don't Blame We solve problems together.
  • Understand and Support Your empathy is your strength.
  • Work Seriously, Live Lightly Our mission is serious, but our hearts are light.
  • Stay Humble Remember, humility is the hallmark of greatness.
  • Foster Creativity Push boundaries to redefine educational excellence.
  • Embrace Experimentation Trial and error is the pathway to breakthroughs.
  • Lead with Ingenuity Unique solutions for complex challenges.
  • Embrace Tenacity Overcome obstacles with unwavering determination.
  • Stay Resolute Consistency in effort shapes the future.
  • Vision Over Visibility Focus on long-term goals, even when the path isn't clear.

Join us on our journey to change the lives of children and work for 150M+ children.

See Open Positions
ConveGenius Team Collaboration